It’s easy to join the Souhegan Valley Chorus:

  1. Print this New Member Registration Form. (Note: this is a PDF file; to use it, you need a PDF reader. One such PDF reader is Adobe Reader, which is freely downloadable from this web site. Most computers will likely already have this program.)
  2. Fill in your information (please write legibly, BLOCK characters are preferred)
  3. Bring it to your first rehearsal (please watch our calendar for dates). We have two semesters which typically follow the school year schedules.
  4. By the end of the second open rehearsal, pay the membership dues. Note: Payment of membership dues isn’t required until after the first two open rehearsals, which allows time for you to decide to join or not.

Note: In addition to membership dues, we have concert dress requirements, and the use of black folders for music is required for our concerts. These involve one-time purchases. Also, many members help with various fundraising activities, and helping out at various events.

We look forward to seeing and singing with you!